Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Intractable Palestinian problem

Condoleeza Rice had just concluded her meeting with Arab quartet comprising of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and UAE, and also met the Palestinian President and Israel's PM to restart the stall peace negotiation. Most analyst consider this to be a futile exercise.

Firstly none of the members of the International quartet recognised the unity government of Palestine which consist of Hamas and Fatah factions. Abbas is merely a puppet who allow the West to continue boycotting his government. He should insist that if they want to negotiate they must include his senior partner Ismael Haniyeh. What is the West's motive? It is my personal view that they are creating a mask to perpetuate the conflict, the result of pressure from the Zionist, who in turn has tremendous influence on the US congress and senate. Boycotting the Palestine leader, previously against Yasser Arafat, is a well tested tactic to stall the peace process and entrenched Israel occupation and illegal settlement of Palestine land.

The Zionist, although a minority in Israel, is deeply committed to the settlement of "Judea and Samaria", i.e. most of the West Bank. The settlement movement continue unabated throughout several administration, even after the 1990 Oslo peace accord that require the freeze on new settlement.

It is unlikely that the Israeli government will agree to the surrender of the West Bank on their own, because they will not survive the fight coming from the Zionist. The only way for the final settlement to be concluded is for the US to tell them what they must do. But again imagine if the US Congress and Senate will want to force their will on Israel when almost all of them are financially dependent on the Zionist. They will never want to annoy the Zionist lobby who is in complete control of US politics and media.

Zionism is the basis for the formation and existence of Israel. They believe that Palestinian do not exist and the Arab must be driven out of the West Bank. At most they are regarded as temporary residents of the land. Therefore to recognise Palestine will mean to recognise the illegitimacy of Zionism. The prolong conflict will allow them to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian out of "Greater Israel", or it is a UN approved genocide.

The Zionist was very good to turn the story around: the Palestinian want to destroy us, they do not recognise us (instead of the Zionist who do not believe in the right of the Palestinian), they are terrorist, they hate us.

It is for this very reason that the Hamas led government was installed by the Palestinian because they are the only one who know how to fight the genocide force of Israel and the Western power.