Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Proton dilemma

Mahathir criticised his successor for failing to protect Proton. He argued that without protection the company will fail. The government responded by reducing tariff on cars made or assembled in Asean countries. This is a first step prior the complete removal of protective tariff by the government as part of the regional trade arrangement. As a result Proton is more exposed to foreign competition. Proton has no choice but to penetrate the export market if it were to survive.

Exposing Proton to competition is long overdue. It has cost the public too much to protect them. We pay dearly to buy our car, the only way Proton could cover its cost and accumulate huge surplus which was squandered on buying a heavily indebted motorcycle company from Italy.

Malaysia could learn from the experience of Estonia on how not to be paranoid about free trade. If Proton is not ready for competition after more than twenty years in business than they should close shop. The following is an article extracted from NYT:

[Estonia] transformed itself from an isolated, impoverished part of the Soviet Union thanks to a former prime minister, Mart Laar, a history teacher who took office not long after Estonia was liberated. He was 32 years old and had read just one book on economics: “Free to Choose,” by Milton Friedman, which he liked especially because he knew Friedman was despised by the Soviets.

Laar was politically naïve enough to put the theories into practice. Instead of worrying about winning trade wars, he unilaterally disarmed by abolishing almost all tariffs. He welcomed foreign investors and privatized most government functions (with the help of a privatization czar who had formerly been the manager of the Swedish pop group Abba). He drastically cut taxes on businesses and individuals, instituting a simple flat income tax of 26 percent.

These reforms were barely approved by the legislature amid warnings of disaster: huge budget deficits, legions of factory workers and farmers who would lose out to foreign competition. But today the chief concerns are what to do with the budget surplus and how to deal with a labor shortage.

Wages have soared thanks to jobs created by foreign companies like Elcoteq of Finland, which bought a failing electronics factory and now employs more than 3,000 people making phones for Nokia and Ericsson. Foreign investors worked with local software engineers to create Skype, the Internet telephone service, and the country has become so Web-savvy that it’s known as E-stonia.

“The spirit is so different here,” Benoit du Rey says. “If you come to the government here and want to start a company, they’ll tell you, ‘Good, do it right now.’ Then you can work free without being bothered by stupid things. Here I talk to my accountant once a month. In France, for every seven or eight workers, you need one full-time worker just to fill out the forms for taxes and other rules.”

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